Tuesday, February 12, 2013

HP Challenge Day 4 - Favorite Villian

My favorite villain would have to be Professor Snape. He's so mean to Harry and he's just someone you love to hate! So cruel and unfair!
Then when you find out he's the greatest actor in the wizarding world since he totally played Voldemort and Harry, blows your mind!

I love Alan Rickman in the movies as Professor Snape! He's now the one I picture whenever I re-read the books. I love his low, mean voice. I think it's pretty awesome!

I just thought of another villian! Dolores Umbridge! When I first read Order of the Phoenix, I got so mad! I wanted to literally reach into the book and punch her in the throat! She was awful! and totally racist! Sheesh! I seriously could not stand how she could be so blind to what was really going on . Plus she had these issues with Muggles that got me mad since I'm totally a Muggle and "she don't know me!" I'm glad the centaurs got her. She totally deserved it, can't keep her filthy mouth shut. 


Just found this gem looking for a picture of her. I love it! 
yes, yes I did in Order of the Phoenix.

Who's your favorite Harry Potter villian?

1 comment:

leinani45 said...

Awesome!!! :) Umbridge!!! I spit on her grave! Haha!!! Great post Carol! Keep 'em comin'!