Sunday, December 23, 2012

Movie: Parental Guidance Review

I had very little expectations for this movie but I think even if I had any, I would have still enjoyed it very much!

This is a really great movie to enjoy together with family! Grandparents, children and grandchildren! There is something in the movie for everyone to enjoy and to relate to.

My 5 year old son loved it and even told us what his favorite part was. My 3 year old daughter STAYED STILL! She hardly ever stays still during movies and usually likes to walk around the seats or climb into my or my husband's lap. This time she stayed in her seat and watched the movie! I'm glad the kids enjoyed it.

My husband and I also liked the movie and on the way home discussed the parenting styles we saw and liked and didn't like so much.

We laughed at Billy Crystal's jokes, smiled at Bette Midler's wit and we had our hearts warmed as we watched the movie.

If you're looking for a great movie for everyone to enjoy this holiday season or even for years to come, pick this movie. It's definitely a must see!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

The Watch Movie Review

I did a movie review of "The Watch" on DVD on Moana Saves
I am not a fan of the F-bombs. Do you agree or disagree with me?

Ruby Sparks Movie Review

Check out my review on "Ruby Sparks" on Moana Saves, a review blog I contribute to.

Come back and let me know what you thought of the review. 

Have you seen the movie? Do you agree or disagree with me?

Red Dawn

We were able to attend an advanced screening of Red Dawn last night at the Dole Cannery in Honolulu. We did have to wait in line for a couple hours but I don't mind since we got in for free.

I literally had no expectations for the movie. I've seen a trailer for it like twice but didn't really know what it was about. After my husband reminded me who was in it, I still had no idea what it was about, just that Chris Hemsworth and Josh Peck was in it. For some reason I thought it was about aliens. (NOT about aliens)

The movie was not as violent as I thought it would be. It was exciting and yet had it's touching moments as people Andes together through the crazy takeover. I was surprised that I laughed during the movie. I guess I was expecting it to be more serious and intense. It did have intense movies but not so much that I felt like I had to cringe or cover my kids' eyes...ok MY eyes!

I would totally recommend this as a date movie. Enough action for the guys (girls that love action) and just a little bit of a love story for the girls. It was a good balance. The main point of the movie is to band together to defend their homes.

I didn't know it was a remake of an old movie but after watching this, I kinda want to see the original. (but then again I think it won an award for most violence...but in the 80's so I don't know, I probably will)

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

I watch way too much TV

I know I watch way too much TV when I get a little angry that I have to wait for the next episode to air more than a week later! What is up with the networks airing a couple episodes and then there is like a 4 week break? WHAT IS UP WITH THAT?


What is up with networks canceling a show after just ONE episode? It didn't even get a chance to get a following!

It's like trying to lose weight but "Hey, I didn't lose anything so I'll just stop working out." That's the kind of mentality I feel the networks have with the new shows they've green-lighted and aired.


Just sayin'

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Nail Art

Thanks to my sister, I'm now hooked on painting my nails. I haven't been into nail polish since the 7th grade! She used to live with us and had A LOT of nail polish and colors and would insist on painting on my nails and then I got into it. 
Now she's gone back to California but she did leave me with some colors. My awesome friend also got me a couple colors. 
Now I'm out of nail polish remover. 

I tried doing a "mummy tape mani" from the blog, Nailside. But it didn't exactly turn out the way I wanted it to...probably because I was rushing. I'll probably try again when I have more time.
 I think my sister introduced me to this particular method. Again, I rushed so I took it off. I do like the color combo though.
 My daughter wanted to paint her nails like mine and put hearts on them too so I painted them pink. When I was finished putting all the hearts on, she insisted on taking it off right then and there. So of course, I complied.
 I think this was my favorite nail art from the Nailside blog. Vertical Lightning Bolts were fun to do. I also really liked the color combo.
As you can tell, I need more orange nail polish. 

What other tape manis do you think I should try next?

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Wardrobe Woes

Wow, it's been a long time since I've written anything on here. I have all these ideas on what to write but haven't actually done anything yet. But I came here today to write about my wardrobe woes. (thanks to my friend Ihi, who inspired me to do so)

Here's the thing, I totally dress like I did back in high school and college plus a few (lots) of extra pounds since then! I checked out the blog, Putting Me Together, that I found on Pinterest and as much as I like it, I really wish there was a blog out there (I can't find one at the moment) that would use less long sleeved wear, as in jackets, cardigans and such. It's so hot here in Hawaii that they may be "completer" pieces but it's sooo hot!

Plus it's hard to read those blogs and they keep cool by being in tanks and short shorts, which don't really work all the time for my lifestyle, as in I don't do short shorts or tank tops (except for when it's time to swim).

Most of the "nicer" clothes I have, are hand me ups from my little sister (who dresses way better than I do).

It's hard to even dress nicer as a teacher, I feel like some students dress WAY better than I do. I just do a "nice-er" shirt and some nice-er shorts (as in not basketball shorts) since riding bikes in pants are NOT cool (pun intended).
AND it's not like I have loads of money that I could use to go shopping any ol' time I wanted.

Do you have any ideas on what I could do to dress better as a teacher, yet keep a little cooler in Hawaii, while I ride my bike to work and keep money in my pocket?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated and welcomed.

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Printer Problem

I had the opportunity to teach 7th grade Social Studies at my school after a teacher retired. I got to use his computer and printer. He told me the printer was connected to the computer so I figured I was set for the first day of school. 

Imagine how surprised I was when I discovered that I couldn't print that day! I looked at the printer spool and there was about 150 items that needed to be printed, waiting...I tried calling the tech coordinator at our school as well as emailing him and I got no response.

Well, it turns out that it was so simple to fix but it took me THREE days to figure it out! 
After talking it out with my husband...I realized I could fix it on my own! DER!

All I had to do was go to "Printers and Faxes" and check the default printer and which one was connected to USB and it turned out the default printer wasn't even the printer in the room! doh. 

I quickly fixed the problem and voila! I could print now! YAY!! Sometimes it's much easier to try to do things on your own and investigate than to sit and wait for someone to rescue you. AND after talking to your significant other about it. Sometimes it helps to talk about your problems out loud to someone and have them listen and hopefully soon enough, you'll be able to figure out what the solution! 

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Grilled Cheese & Ketchup Chips

The food picture is a grilled cheese sandwich & ketchup chips. I learned how to make grilled cheese sandwiches like 2 years ago from David. I love grilled cheese. I also LOVE ketchup chips but it's only available in Canada. So when we won't to California for my brother's wedding, my parents had just gotten back from there & brought some home. Yum!