Thursday, January 24, 2013

Confession: Addicted to Harry Potter series

I got this from my friend Karyn and I am so excited to do this. I know I'm a dork but I don't care!

If you know me at all, you know that I love to read. I love reading Harry Potter. I got VERY involved in Harry Potter. I LOVE Harry Potter. I wish JK Rowling could write that story forever. 

I am literally addicted to it more so the fact that Ron and Hermione FINALLY got together and I totally wish there were more stories about the two of them together!

We are a part of this cool website called Pottermore--which actually perpetuates the story and creates a more robust imaginary world surrounding it and gives a little more insight/information into the characters or places as you explore and it's so fun! 

Karyn is going to start this challenge tomorrow (Jan 25) so I'm going to start with her. Hopefully I remember to do it everyday but you will see how addicted I am to this series. 


Day 1 - Favorite Book in the Series

Day 2 - Least Favorite Book in the Series

Day 3 - Favorite Character

Day 4 - Favorite Villain

Day 5 - Saddest Moment

Day 6 - Favorite Professor

Day 7 - Least Favorite Professor

Day 8 - Favorite Subject

Day 9 - Least Favorite Subject

Day 10 - Favorite Shop in Diagon Alley

Day 11 - Most Beautiful Character

Day 12 - Most Missed Dead Character

Day 13 - Favorite Book Cover

Day 14 - Favorite Tri-Wizard Tournament Challenge

Day 15 - Rate the Houses From Most to Least Favorite

Day 16 - Favorite Animagus

Day 17 - Favorite Unforgivable Curse

Day 18 - Favorite Horcrux

Day 19 - Favorite Deathly Hallow

Day 20 - Funniest Moment

Day 21 - Most Emotional Moment

Day 22 - Aspired Quidditch Position

Day 23 - Favorite Patronus

Day 24 - What You Think Your Patronus Would Be

Day 25 - Favorite Dursley

Day 26 - Favorite Wand

Day 27 - Favorite Magical Ability (Animagi Transformation, Metamorphmagi, Parselmouth, Flying, Seer, Appartion and Disapparition, Legilimency and Occlumency, Veela Charm, Magical Resistance)

Day 28 - Favorite Death Eater

Day 29 - Favorite Portrait

Day 30 - Favorite Spell

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Happy New Year!!