Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Wardrobe Woes

Wow, it's been a long time since I've written anything on here. I have all these ideas on what to write but haven't actually done anything yet. But I came here today to write about my wardrobe woes. (thanks to my friend Ihi, who inspired me to do so)

Here's the thing, I totally dress like I did back in high school and college plus a few (lots) of extra pounds since then! I checked out the blog, Putting Me Together, that I found on Pinterest and as much as I like it, I really wish there was a blog out there (I can't find one at the moment) that would use less long sleeved wear, as in jackets, cardigans and such. It's so hot here in Hawaii that they may be "completer" pieces but it's sooo hot!

Plus it's hard to read those blogs and they keep cool by being in tanks and short shorts, which don't really work all the time for my lifestyle, as in I don't do short shorts or tank tops (except for when it's time to swim).

Most of the "nicer" clothes I have, are hand me ups from my little sister (who dresses way better than I do).

It's hard to even dress nicer as a teacher, I feel like some students dress WAY better than I do. I just do a "nice-er" shirt and some nice-er shorts (as in not basketball shorts) since riding bikes in pants are NOT cool (pun intended).
AND it's not like I have loads of money that I could use to go shopping any ol' time I wanted.

Do you have any ideas on what I could do to dress better as a teacher, yet keep a little cooler in Hawaii, while I ride my bike to work and keep money in my pocket?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated and welcomed.