Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Fast and Furious 6 Movie Review

We went to an advanced screening for Fast & Furious 6 at Dole Cannery last night, thanks to Universal.

I wanted to do a Fast and Furious marathon before watching this new one but I just ended up watching #4 and #5 of the series. You don't have to watch the movies to understand what's going on but it kinda helped but again, not important.

The only expectation I had for the movies was for the fast cars. Other than that, I had no high hopes.

I was not disappointed. at. all.

I would definitely recommend this movie for all and I would follow the PG-13 rating.

I loved the mix of fast cars, the hand to hand combat, the crazy action and comedy. 

Everything for everybody!

Go see it this Friday, May 24, 2013

Sorry this review isn't more substantial. I can't honestly review it without giving stuff away. Just see it!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Teacher Confessions - One of THOSE days.

Today (April 16) was one of those days where I question why I am a teacher.

A screenshot of my tweet
My 5th period class & 7th period class had some kids in it today that acted so horribly, I wanted to punch those kids in the throat. like LITERALLY.

 It's just a figure of speech, I'd never actually do it.
One, I'm not good on following through on physical violence but today, I really thought about it.

The students were super obnoxious.

What is up with some of the kids nowadays? (Man I sound old). Some of the kids nowadays are so self centered! 
Do you think it's because Facebook makes people more self centered and all "me, me me!"? 

Some of these kids can not help themselves but comment on EVERY LITTLE thing. They have to always say something, have the last word. It's really annoying when you're trying to get class going and all these kids keep interruppting you because they HAVE to say something. 

Again, Facebook, where you have the opportunity to comment on everything!! 

I have tried to explain that real life is not like Facebook. MY classroom is not like Facebook where you can comment on everything. This behavior is super obnoxious!!

Some of the kids don't take responsibility for their actions. It's "not my fault. Someone else is to blame for my actions." Who teaches these kids?! We have a responsibility as parents and adults to teach our children about accountability and consequences. 

My responsibility as a teacher is to reinforce what parents should already be doing at home. But it seems like an unwritten part of a teacher's job description is to also parent. Why would I want to do that? I have my own children that I would rather worry about. Don't get me wrong, I'll still do "parenting" at work but that's not my main job. My main job is to TEACH. Seriously, we teachers do not get paid enough. 

I love teaching but sometimes, it can be really overwhelming and the combination of students, parents and admin can just get to someone and make you wanna scream.

Tomorrow will be a better day. I only have one class! 

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Review of "42"

We were able to go to an advanced screening of 42, thanks to gofobo.com at Ward Theaters in town last night. We did stand in line for a couple hours but hey, a free movie, is a free movie. We could now afford to get the kids popcorn and a drink. 

Check out my review here: http://www.gofobo.com/movie/42_2013/movie_review/13407821

or just keep reading...since I did just edit it a little bit.

I literally had no expectations for this movie. All I knew was that it was about Jackie Robinson. As the movie rolled on, I kept finding things I liked about it. 
Yes, it concentrated on the racism surrounding the first black man to play professional baseball, whether it was from the spectators or from his teammates, it was very prevalent and something he had to go through. What I really liked about the movie was that it also concentrated on his baseball skills, he wasn't just there because he was black, it was because of his talent. I liked that it showed a lot of baseball being played. 
It wasn't a heavy movie, it had its light moments which helped relieve some of the tension in the movie. I also really loved the changes that happen to the people around him and how they started changing.
I did have questions on authenticity but since it is a movie made in Hollywood and it had the "based on a true story" disclaimer, we can only hope they did Jackie Robinson justice.
It is certainly a movie I would recommend to everyone...over the age of 13. It has some words that might be harder to explain to someone that hasn't been exposed to racial and/or derogatory terms.

Monday, April 8, 2013

HP Challenge Day 6 - Favorite Professor

Professor McConagall - again, she's smart, funny, sarcastic and is just pretty awesome. Plus total bonus that she's totally shows not all teachers are boring.
I just love how she's such a great teacher and is fair even if she HATES that she has to take away points from Gryffindor because of what either Harry or Ron did. She can also be quite surprising as well. She's basically just awesome.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

HP Challenge Day 5 - Saddest Moment

The saddest moment would have to be in Half-Blood Prince, the 6th book. You all know what I'm talking about. It was the most shocking moment ever!
Do I really need to explain what is so shocking? I know that it's been revealed WHY it had to be done but when reading the book for the first time, you really had absolutely no idea and it was shocking to say the least.

I do have to say that another "saddest" moment would have to be when Fred Weasley died. I cried. I was so so so sad that happened!
There were plenty of other sad moments but this is definitely my top two. 

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

HP Challenge Day 4 - Favorite Villian

My favorite villain would have to be Professor Snape. He's so mean to Harry and he's just someone you love to hate! So cruel and unfair!
Then when you find out he's the greatest actor in the wizarding world since he totally played Voldemort and Harry, blows your mind!

I love Alan Rickman in the movies as Professor Snape! He's now the one I picture whenever I re-read the books. I love his low, mean voice. I think it's pretty awesome!

I just thought of another villian! Dolores Umbridge! When I first read Order of the Phoenix, I got so mad! I wanted to literally reach into the book and punch her in the throat! She was awful! and totally racist! Sheesh! I seriously could not stand how she could be so blind to what was really going on . Plus she had these issues with Muggles that got me mad since I'm totally a Muggle and "she don't know me!" I'm glad the centaurs got her. She totally deserved it, can't keep her filthy mouth shut. 


Just found this gem looking for a picture of her. I love it! 
yes, yes I did in Order of the Phoenix.

Who's your favorite Harry Potter villian?

Friday, February 8, 2013

Safe Haven - Movie Review

My husband and I went to an advanced screening of Safe Haven sans kids last night.

Safe Haven stars Julianne Hough and Josh Duhamel. Hough plays a woman who is on the run for some apparent reason and ends up in Duhamel's quiet little town. She makes close friends with several people in the town. As the movie progresses, you  find out more of her backstory and why she ran.

There's so much more to the movie that I would love to share with you but I won't because it would ruin the movie.

But I will tell you this, it has it's twists and turns that will have you guessing the whole time.

The movie is definitely a date movie. It would be fun to see with all the girls or even with a group of guy/girl friends. It's got something for everyone! - It has comedy, romance, thriller, suspense, and cute kid actors.

It does have a sex scene, it's not explicit or overly sexual but would I would not want my young kids to view it. Some of the content in the movie is a little too mature for children under 13 years of age so keep that in mind if you decide to bring your kids.

Overall, it was a great movie to see with my husband and I'd definitely recommend this movie!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

HP Challenge Day 3 - Favorite Character

Day 3: Favorite Character

Ooh, this is hard. My top characters are as follows: Weasley twins, Ron, Hermione, Dumbledore,  Molly and Arthur,

Wow, I love too many of the characters!

This is so hard!! How do you pick just one!?! +Karyn K Did you have a hard time too or is it just me?!

I love them all for their different reasons but I can't really decide on a "favorite" character. 

I love the Weasley twins because they are hilarious. I love their jokes and when Fred died in HP7, I literally cried. It was so heartbreaking.

Ron- I love Ron because he's the comic relief of the trio. Being blunt and thinking he's just the sidekick when in reality (well as real as you can get in a work of fiction) he's not the sidekick, he's more than that. He has such low self esteem when it comes to being with Harry (The "Chosen One") and brainy Hermione but I like that he eventually comes around and understands that he's more than just "Ron."

Hermione- well, obviously because she's not afraid to be smart or have her head in the books. She's a high achiever and I love that JK Rowling made that a prominent feature. She pretty much made it so that girls won't be afraid or at least be less afraid to be smart or be proud of who they are! I LOVE that about Hermione. Be proud of your intelligence ladies!!

Dumbledore - How can you not love Dumbledore? He's awesome! He's funny, witty, caring and loves the trio. He'll do anything for them.

Molly and Arthur - how can you not love them? They have such a great dynamic as a couple and love their family so much and is so protective. I love that Arthur loves Muggle inventions and that world. He's so curious about everything and that's great! Be curious! Find out more about what you don't know and learn! Molly is awesome. Just is. She's a mama bear and I love it.

It's really hard to pick one so I guess I just did "Favorite CharacterS" :P

Who is your favorite? or are you like me and have too many to choose from?

HP Challenge Day 2: Least Favorite Book in the Series

Day 2: Least Favorite Book in the Series

I'd have to pick Prisoner of Azkaban or Chamber of Secrets.

They were good books but I'd much rather pick any of the other ones to re-read.

That's all. I don't really know why I don't care for them.

HP Challenge Day 1 - Favorite Book in the Series


Day 1 - Favorite Book in the Series

I'd have to say my favorite book is...this is really hard. I like them all but if I had to choose just one, I think it'd have to be...either Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire or Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows. Or maybe it's Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. 

I know that's three books but I really can't decide. I like Goblet of Fire because that was the first long book in the series and I loved the action in the book. Plus, Harry now faces Voldermort face to face and sees the danger he's in. AND I LOVE the Quidditch tournament! I think it's very exciting!! I love reading about all the different areas that witches and wizards come from. I think sometimes I forget that Harry Potter is just really concentrated in the England area and that there are magical communities all over the world!

I like Half Blood Prince because I love how Hermione finally realizes her feelings for Ron. It takes Ron a little while but they still don't do anything about it but I love how it's THERE.

I love Deathly Hallows because it's the longest book. I love that they're going on a hunt for Horcruxes and working together. Yeah, it gets kinda crazy but again, Ron and Hermione get closer to admitting their feelings for each other. I kinda wish there was more of their romance in the book instead of just at the end but it all works out.

I just wish JK Rowling would write more about Ron and Hermione even though I know it's called "Harry Potter and..."

but still!

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Confession: Addicted to Harry Potter series

I got this from my friend Karyn and I am so excited to do this. I know I'm a dork but I don't care!

If you know me at all, you know that I love to read. I love reading Harry Potter. I got VERY involved in Harry Potter. I LOVE Harry Potter. I wish JK Rowling could write that story forever. 

I am literally addicted to it more so the fact that Ron and Hermione FINALLY got together and I totally wish there were more stories about the two of them together!

We are a part of this cool website called Pottermore--which actually perpetuates the story and creates a more robust imaginary world surrounding it and gives a little more insight/information into the characters or places as you explore and it's so fun! 

Karyn is going to start this challenge tomorrow (Jan 25) so I'm going to start with her. Hopefully I remember to do it everyday but you will see how addicted I am to this series. 


Day 1 - Favorite Book in the Series

Day 2 - Least Favorite Book in the Series

Day 3 - Favorite Character

Day 4 - Favorite Villain

Day 5 - Saddest Moment

Day 6 - Favorite Professor

Day 7 - Least Favorite Professor

Day 8 - Favorite Subject

Day 9 - Least Favorite Subject

Day 10 - Favorite Shop in Diagon Alley

Day 11 - Most Beautiful Character

Day 12 - Most Missed Dead Character

Day 13 - Favorite Book Cover

Day 14 - Favorite Tri-Wizard Tournament Challenge

Day 15 - Rate the Houses From Most to Least Favorite

Day 16 - Favorite Animagus

Day 17 - Favorite Unforgivable Curse

Day 18 - Favorite Horcrux

Day 19 - Favorite Deathly Hallow

Day 20 - Funniest Moment

Day 21 - Most Emotional Moment

Day 22 - Aspired Quidditch Position

Day 23 - Favorite Patronus

Day 24 - What You Think Your Patronus Would Be

Day 25 - Favorite Dursley

Day 26 - Favorite Wand

Day 27 - Favorite Magical Ability (Animagi Transformation, Metamorphmagi, Parselmouth, Flying, Seer, Appartion and Disapparition, Legilimency and Occlumency, Veela Charm, Magical Resistance)

Day 28 - Favorite Death Eater

Day 29 - Favorite Portrait

Day 30 - Favorite Spell